5 Tips for dog’s skincare during winter

Do you know that just like us, dogs too are susceptible to dry skin? Yes! The winter weather spares none. The air around us becomes drier during the winter months leading to several skin issues in dogs. Hence, dogs too deserve winter skin care just like us.
Here are some tips to help protect your dog’s skin this winter. Read on:
Shampoo less, Moisturize more
Winter months call for limiting the bathing days of your dog to only when necessary. If your dog could read this; it would jump with joy! Isn’t it? And even when you choose to bathe your dog; either go for a simple water bath or use a good moisturizing shampoo devoid of any fragrance to keep the dog’s skin from becoming dry and flakey.
Focus on the dog’s diet
A year-round good diet plays an important role in ensuring the healthy and nourished skin of your dog during the winter months. Dogs with highly sensitive skin may get more affected by the changing weather and hence they should be fed meals that nourish their skin and coat. You can opt for vet recommendations as well to know the best meal options based on your dog’s skin condition. Apart from a good diet, proper water intake is also necessary to prevent dehydration. You can add warm water to your dog’s food to increase moisture in your diet.
Ensure regular Vet consultation
Cold weather cannot be the only reason behind any skin issues that your dog might be facing. Other potential causes of skin irritation could be parasites some underlying health issues or hormonal or nutritional imbalances. These could be identified through symptoms like excessive scratching or a feeling of discomfort. Proper examination by the vet can help reveal the exact cause behind the issue and the possible treatment to overcome it.
Keep your dog indoors
Chilly weather can be harsh on your dog’s skin. So, limit your dog’s outdoor visits to just when required. When taking your dog out for a stroll; make sure to keep it well-covered with warm clothes and water-resistant dog booties. You can make your dog’s indoor stay fun by playing indoor games and bringing in new interactive dog toys to play with.
Brush your dog’s coat regularly
Regularly brushing your dog’s coat can help in stimulating the hair follicles and natural oil glands in the skin. Brushing also helps in removing dry skin and loose hair from the coat.
The above-mentioned tips can be handy in ensuring a dog’s skincare in the winter months. If your dog is fussy about grooming sessions then we insist on bringing it to MaxPetZ where our expert grooming staff makes the whole grooming experience comfortable for your dog. And believe us; you would be more than satisfied with our grooming service.
For any consultation regarding dog skin care; book an appointment with our expert veterinarians who will not only guide you with the right tips but also suggest the best dog skin care products for healthy skin and shiny coat.
Call 8448449955, to book your consultation.